Dear Unwanted Advice Columnist-
I feel like everyone around me is accomplishing big things, and I’m just stuck. What’s the secret to being successful?
Waiting for My Big Break
Dear Waiting,
The secret to success is simple: Consistently wake up at 5 AM, drink green smoothies, make a list of goals, and somehow, magically, everything will fall into place. Oh, and don’t forget to have a side hustle. Or two. Or three. Also, maybe be naturally gifted at something. I hear being born a genius helps. But in the meantime, just keep comparing yourself to other people on social media—it’s the healthiest thing you can do for your mental health. Who needs a real plan when you can have that sweet, sweet scrolling dopamine, right?
You’ve got this,
The Unwanted Advice Columnist
(Just kidding. You’re fine.)